Clutch has been the recent black that started to replace the normal handbags or sling bags. The merging of bags and wallets and thus producing a multi-purpose clutch, and they usually comes with a strap, which now, you can carry as a mini function purse (clutch), hook on the straps to become a sling bag, shorten the strap to make it a normal handbag!
Introducing one of the blogshops that brings you range of styles and themes from the world of clutches – Seller’s Avenue!
Seller’s Avenue
started off by selling miscellaneous stuff on Facebook page - Sellers Avenue. Is like a treasure hunt,
searching and offering unique items, mini items and all – girls stuff J They also administer their FB page as a place where people
that have pre-loved or brand new items to offer to be posted on their page,
saving hassles for individuals at the same time connecting people of similar
Seller’s Avenue
then expanded their channel to sell clutches on instagram (sellersavenue) as
well as in their website,
for a bigger view and ease to place order!.
What is more awesome about the
website is all pictures are ready to be view once you enter their website, and
the prices of their items are all express post inclusive! Saving you all the
trouble to calculate the postage fees etc!
Seller’s Avenue
carries both pre-order and certain ready stocks (which
are the most hot selling items), mainly ranging from RM30 to RM100. As
mentioned clutches have been quite an handy fashion items, Seller’s Avenue has totally
grasp your need and serve a variety of styles for different events, from punk,
chic, formal, trendy, rock, chic, classic and practical! We have filtered through
some of the design that we think can be something worthwhile for you to have it
in your closet!
First of all, for the convenience of your travelling, they offered Travelling Sling designed with various useful compartments, ideal for you to segregate your identification, boarding passes, mini note pads, and all other accessories! Followed by the functional theme, featuring Mini Document Satchel Clutch and Document Classy. The formal one is more easy going if you have heaps of accessories or item to carry with, and the latter will be more of a formal event, which will be easier for you to carry documents without folding it! Not to forget, there are range of colours for you to choose from to match with your favourite hue!
First of all, for the convenience of your travelling, they offered Travelling Sling designed with various useful compartments, ideal for you to segregate your identification, boarding passes, mini note pads, and all other accessories! Followed by the functional theme, featuring Mini Document Satchel Clutch and Document Classy. The formal one is more easy going if you have heaps of accessories or item to carry with, and the latter will be more of a formal event, which will be easier for you to carry documents without folding it! Not to forget, there are range of colours for you to choose from to match with your favourite hue!
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