Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Fashion Updated @ 29/12
Filed Under Accessories, Bracelets, Jewellery, Jewelry, Mens Wear, Products Updates, Shoes, T-Shirt

Sabah Accessories

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
How to Break 7 Common Bad Eating Habits
Filed Under Fashion Beauty and Lifestyle, Food and Health

How to Break 7 Common Bad Eating HabitsYou can break your bad eating habits, one step at a time.
Here, simple solutions for the 7 most common bad eating habits.
By Sara Wells1. Make a plan and stick to it. Consuming the same simple, locally grown or organic foods week to week will help prevent you from resorting to last-minute fast-food (and unhealthy) meals. Avoid using treats, such as ice cream or other sweets, as a reward for a hard day.
2. Don't munch on the run. Our brains feel gypped if we aren't mindful of the food we're eating. Make a point to eat breakfast and dinner at a table as often as possible. Otherwise, you may end up conditioning yourself to eat anytime, anyplace -- like when you're lying on the couch watching TV.
3. Avoid noshing in the car. You can quickly become trained to eat whenever you're behind the wheel. Plus, it's harder to keep track of what you're eating if you're driving and munching.
4. Have a healthy snack, like fruits and veggies, 30 minutes before you eat a meal. It can take as long as half an hour for fullness signals to travel from the stomach to the brain. The sooner you start eating, the sooner your belly will get the message to your brain that you've had enough food.
5. Downsize your dishes. Unless our plates are full, we tend to feel cheated, like we haven't eaten enough. So use a dessert dish for your entree.
6. Bust your eating triggers. If watching your favorite reality show triggers a craving for bowlfuls of your favorite snack, give up eating in front
of the TV.
7. Exercise, exercise, exercise. It will help you maintain a healthy weight, and it can prevent compulsive eating because, like food, it produces stress relief and a feeling of well-being.
NOTE: If you find yourself lying about how much food you're eating, hiding food, or frequently eating enough to feel uncomfortable, you may need to seek professional help. A good place to start: Overeaters Anonymous (http://www.oa.org/).
Originally published on FitnessMagazine.com, July 2008.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Events Updated - 3 Bazaar Coming Up!
Sites that Having SALES!!!
Filed Under Contest and Giveaway, Events Updates, Offer

Good news for all shoppers!! Below are the whole list of blogshop [exclude mini updates] is having sales specially for you all!! Do check it out!!
Le.Loves Impulse GrabberMoonstruck Closet
Precious Plurge
Shopaholic Epitomist
Fashion Palettes
OMG So Cute
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Events Updated: World AIDS Day (WAD) by PT Foundation

As refer to the previous post, I mentioned some fact about HIV/AIDS. But do you know that they is a lot more?
For example, can HIV transmitted through saliva? mosquito? breast milk? oral sex? To find out more info about this virus and infection, drop by at the RED CARNIVAL, organized by PT Foudation! I will be there to help out to!
In conjuction with the World AIDS Day 2009, PT Foundation who has Sg Wang as sponsor will be celebrating this meaningful day at Sg Wang Plaza on 28 and 29 November! If you listening to MyFM or Hitz FM etc, they also promote this event! Their crew will also drop by for both days! Not to forget, performances from volunteers up to professionals!! Do equip yourself with the correct knowledge and fact about this virus and you also able to do some risk assessment and HIV test, consultation for FREE during these days!!
Hope to see you dearies there!!
Events Updated: World AIDS Day (WAD): Contribute to Charity While Shopping! by Cherish Memories
Filed Under Contest and Giveaway, Events Updates, Offer

6.Every 6 seconds someone gets HIV-infected
7. Every 15 seconds someone dies of AIDS
8. Almost 30 million people died from AIDS
9. More than 15 million children orphaned as a result of AIDS
10. Between 75 - 90% of those currently infected with HIV do not know it
Events Updated: Christmas Offer Up to RM100 Rebate @ Shopaholics Bar
Filed Under Contest and Giveaway, Events Updates, Offer

Just inform The Shopaholics Bar that you are FiY subscriber/reader, then you are entitled for the offer!! Easy right? Click click right away!
Genuine Marc Jacobs White Quilted Bag is absolutely match the season! Snowy white and the bag chain, is the trend leader and suitable for party and even other function!

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Events Updated: Christmas Special Bazaar

Well, well...
You know what? 2 Bazaar in a day!!!
Is shopping time!!! After exams and christmas soon, the more bazaar the better isn't??
This Christmas bazaar will be on...
Date: December 5th 2009
Venue: The infamous 3K Inn
And blogshop owners and vendors, this may attract you!
There will be only 40 vendors, only RM80 per booth.
For extra tables, RM30 is needed
*Table cloth not provided*
Each booth will get 2 bottles of mineral water, as well as some snacks! Woots!
You can decide your booth placement once payment has been made~
But its based on first pay, first serve yea! =p
Advertisements will be in the form of banners in front of 3K inn, flyers in Subang Parade, Subang ss15, and we will be advertising in famous review blogs (already doing so! XD),
15000 flyers will be given out!!!
Decoration for the venuw will be done, and the organizers would hope that vendors able to wear the xmas hats! To hype up the season!!!
Event updated by Michelle (3kbazaar@gmail.com)
Events Updated: I ♥ Bazaar
If you are a shopper, do take note on the date, day and venue of this upcoming bazaar! It definitely will be a blast!
Bazaar: I ♥ Bazaar by RylDesigns
Date: 5th & 6th of December 2009
Time: 12 noon till 8pm
Venue: Indoor, 1st Floor, The 19 USJ City Mall
(formerly Known as D19ital Mall, USJ 19)
Map: http://www.ilovebazaar.net/2009/11/location-map.html
If you are a vendor or a blogshop owner who want to get salesssssss...
You may want to think about joining in this bazaar!!!
Below are some of the info that you maybe intrested in:
· They are targeting approximately 50 vendors and booth space is on a first come first serve basis
· The more you participate in promoting this bazaar with us, greater discounts will be there for you
· It’s an indoor bazaar
· Ample parking space
· Pioneer organizers in this location
· Year end is approaching, school breaks has just begun, and Christmas is just around the corner – more reasons for shoppers to shop!
· A GIANT banner (approx. 20ft X 30ft) will be placed at the outdoor premise of The 19 USJ City Mall
· 60,000 fliers will be distributed to residential areas in USJ
· 5,000 other fliers will be distributed to high market areas
· Buntings will be placed at highly visible places indoor
Basic Rental Prices are as follow:
(Each vendor will be provided with 2 chairs and a table. Table cloth will not be provided)
3ft X 3ft Table: RM 75 only per day
3ft X 5ft Table: RM 130 only per day
Great discounts will be given to vendors who participate in the following promotions.
(All reimbursement of rental fees will be given only on the day of the Bazaar)
RM 5 off total rental will be given to vendors who place our banner at the header of their sites
RM 10 off total rental will be given to vendors who successfully refers another vendor to participate in the bazaar
RM 15 off the rental of booth will be given on the second day. Eg:- Saturday = RM75, Sunday = RM60
And the greatest part is vendors are eligible to participate in all 3 promotions!!!
You may view and select your preferred booth location here - http://www.ilovebazaar.net/2009/11/floor-plan.html
Kindly fill up the Application form here - http://www.ilovebazaar.net/2009/11/vendor-application-form.html
If you are interested, do log on to their official website for more details about I ♥ Bazaar! http://ilovebazaar.net
Or you can drop them an email at ryl.designs@gmail.com for any other enquiries.
Event updated by RylDesigns
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Events Updated: Closing Ceremorny @ Enspired Bazaar

"Invitation by Enspired Bazaar"

As official event organizer for Alice Wonders Got Boobies campaign, we’re proud to announce that we will be hosting Got Boobies’ closing ceremony at Enspired Bazaar Subang Square SS15 on Nov 14.
There will be various activities in conjunction with the event: signing on the pledge board, meet-and-greet session with Chiang Lee Ming of MDG2 fame, mini treasure hunt, and of course the very much anticipated Alice Wonders limited edition bag giveaway! Do not worry if you happen to miss the bag giveaway previously, this time there will be THREE limited edition bags to be won on Nov 14!

According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.3 million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer annually worldwide about 465,000 will die from the disease. Breast cancer death rates have been dropping steadily since 1990, according to the Society, because of earlier detection and better treatments.
By taking part in this event, you’re playing a part to help increase the awareness!
Vendors who take part on Nov 14 can also take part by:
1. Wearing pink clothing (in conjunction with the breast cancer event, strongly encouraged)
2. Donating 10% sales to National Cancer Society of Malaysia - you'll be given a placecard for display and inform your customers (optional)
3. Sponsoring some vouchers/freebies to be given out in the goodie bags for treasure hunt participants - your company's name will be mentioned in our press release (30 pax)
4. Taking part by giving out the clues (strongly encouraged)

Mark your calendars on NOV 14, SUBANG SQUARE SS15. Looking forward to see you wonderful girls (and boys) out there!
Event updated by Grace Oon
Enspired Events Update
Sunday, November 1, 2009
GOT BOOBIES? Self Check for Early Detection!
Filed Under Fashion Beauty and Lifestyle, Food and Health, Health

In support with Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Got Boobies? by AliceWonders.com, MiC from Fashionista in You, would like to share an article that I read. The article is about 5 simple steps for self-examination. It is vital to check your breast monthly for early detection of breast cancer!

Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.
Here's what you should look for:
Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color
Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling
If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor's attention:
Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin
A nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushed inward instead of sticking out)
Redness, soreness, rash, or swelling
Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side — from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.
Follow a pattern to be sure that you cover the whole breast. You can begin at the nipple, moving in larger and larger circles until you reach the outer edge of the breast. You can also move your fingers up and down vertically, in rows, as if you were mowing a lawn. This up-and-down approach seems to work best for most women. Be sure to feel all the tissue from the front to the back of your breasts: for the skin and tissue just beneath, use light pressure; use medium pressure for tissue in the middle of your breasts; use firm pressure for the deep tissue in the back. When you've reached the deep tissue, you should be able to feel down to your ribcage.
Article Adopted From: The Five Steps of a Breast Self-Exam, BreastCancer.org
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Events Updated: Support Our Shopping Reviewers Campaign by Enspired Bazaar
To the shoppers:
Feel free to drop by on every Monday, Wednesday, Friday OR Saturday!!!
You never miss the fun!
To the oweners:
Great deals here!!!
2 days for RM60 per booth!!Effective 26 October 2009
Buy One Free One! (Means vendors pay RM60 for 2 consecutive Saturdays)
Charges for weekdays (Mon/Wed/Fri)
RM55/day per booth
RM50/day per booth for min.booking of two weeks subsequently
With the courtesy of the organizer of Enspired Bazzar,
They have launched a campaign called Support Our Shopping Reviewers Campaign !!
This campaign is to reward the reviewer site by setting aside RM5 for each
referral vendor that register with us for Saturdays! The concept will be similar with DiGi I Love To Save Campaign.
Blogshop owners also get to choose which shopping site they want to contribute to and the contribution will be site maintenance, an upgrade for the reviewer site or hire more contributors, etc.So, do support the reviewers site or directory site, Fashionista in You and more, by register with Enspired Events and named the reviewers site! Is that simple!

Events updated by
Grace Oon
Enspired Events (SA0081111-K)
mobile: +6 012 211 2347 +6 012 211 2347
email: enspired.events@gmail.com
Events Updated: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The Pink Ribbon and Rubi Competition by The Luxurious Fashionista
Filed Under Contest and Giveaway, Events Updates

Second event is the The Pink Ribbon and Rubi Competition The Luxurious Fashionista (TLF)! TLF is also donating RM50 to the National Cancer Society for every 30 entries obtained through this competition.
Join the Pink Ribbon Competition by placing badges. More details, click here!

Raise fund and and stand a chance to win $200 cash!!
And and and, every entrant will also receive a 15% discount off the entire LuShae Jewelry range! Meaning, from the 50% on-going sales promotion, you get an additional 15% on top of that!
By joining the Pink Ribbon Competition, join the Rubi Competition too!
Find out how, by joining this Pink Ribbon competiton, you're also entitled to be in the running of a FREE pair of RUBI SHOES!!! Click here for more info. :)
How can I join The Rubi Competition?
To be entitled to be in the running of The Rubi Competition, all you have to do is to adhere to the rules stated below:
•Join the The Pink Ribbon competition.
•Blog about Miss TLF's "I've done my small bit... Have you?" campaign in any creative way possible.
•Link The Pink Ribbon competition URL in your blogpost.
•Place the "I've done my small bit... Have you?" campaign banner in your blogpost
•Title your post "I've done my small bit... Have you?".
•Email me the direct URL of your blogpost when you're done, at iamtlf@live.com with subject title: "I have".
How does Miss TLF select the winner?
Every post will be counted as one entree (which means you can submit however many entrees you wish), and every single entree will be assigned a number.
I will randomly select a number from a hat, and that person gets to walk away with a free pair of Rubi shoes!!! Yayyyyy!!! :D
However, should the winner not get back to me within 2 days after I've announced the winner and have already sent him/her the winning email, the prize goes to the next winner. :)
How long is The Rubi Competition running for?
The Rubi Competition ends on the 10th November 2009 at midnight.
*T&C: The Rubi Competition will only be a deal if we hit at least 30 entries from The Pink Ribbon competition. So this means that to be in the running of a free Rubi shoes for yourself, you'll have to help spread the word around. ;)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Events Updated: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Got Boobies by AliceWonders.com
Filed Under Contest and Giveaway, Events Updates

Blog about breast cancer with AliceWonders.com, and win yourself bags or pursehooks!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
5 Sexy Fashions Wear updated 19/10/09
Filed Under Dress, Evening Dress, Fashions Boutique, Products Updates

Events Updated: Get Rebates with PASSWORD! by Bolster Store
Monday, October 12, 2009
Events Updated: Snap and WIN by Dexig Collection
Filed Under Contest and Giveaway, Events Updates

So why miss the chance??
Is SNAP & WIN contest!!!

What is it about ?
Take a picture of your Personalized items such as Personalized name necklace , engrave rings , etc....
Creativity is an advantage in this contest.
When is the contest?
contest begins on 15.10.2009 - 15.11.09.
What do they win ?
Winner wins a personalized name necklace that worth RM70!
-Everyone with personalized items are allowed to join
-Photoshop are allowed in this competition.
-No stealing photos from other websites
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Fashions & Bags updated 02/10/09 *Newbie*
Filed Under Accessories, Bags/Wallets, Beauty Products, Dress, Fashions Boutique, Products Updates, Tunics



Crystal Paradize



Preloved sunglasses! hurry hurry hurry~
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
What Should Be In A Healthy Salad?
Filed Under Fashion Beauty and Lifestyle, Food and Health

By Rachel SturtzJust because your meal is green doesn't mean it's lean. Get to know these all-star ingredients and sneaky fat traps -- so you can turn a green monster into a super bowl.
Edited by MiC
Source: Marisa Moore, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association
Lots of lovely ladies, who want to go for a diet or healthy lifestyle always prepare salad as their lunch box or just taking salads instead of other food. However, without knowing the proper ingredient in the salad, it will not reach the effect that we wanted! So, read on and get to know what should be in the salad and what shall not ^^
Ingredient Showdown That Should Be ....
Toss In: :)
•Almonds. Fiber, protein, and healthy fat keep you sated. Don't go too nuts, since they're calorie-dense; use just a tablespoon of slivered almonds.
•Lean protein. The omega-3 fatty acids in grilled salmon help prevent heart disease and boost brain power. Go fish with 3 ounces, or a portion about the size of your palm.
•A good egg. If you eat only the white, the yolk's on you. The yolk contains vitamin D, which may guard against cancer, diabetes, and more. It also has 4.5 grams of fat, so limit your salad to one hard-boiled egg.
•Avocado. The monounsaturated fat in avocado helps slim your waist. Toss in a sixth of an avocado, which has about 55 calories and 5 (good-for-you) fat grams.
•Go-to greens. The darker the leaves, the more vitamins and minerals. Try a spring mix (e.g., mesclun) for varied textures and flavors.
•Soy beans. Research shows that soy may protect your ticker, lower your cancer risk, and build bone. Find precooked edamame in the supermarket's frozen-foods section.
•DIY dressing. Nix fatty store-bought varieties. Mix 1/2 cup olive or walnut oil (both supply heart-healthy fats and flavor), 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar, and chopped parsley or thyme (makes four servings).
•Various veggies. Load up on nutrient-rich picks like peppers, onions, carrots, mushrooms, and tomatoes. They have just 20 calories per serving, so you can't eat too many.
Toss Out:X
•Loser leaves. Avoid the iceberg: These greens are as low in nutrients as they are in flavor.
•Fat bombs. Bacon bits add 100 calories and 4 grams of artery-clogging saturated fat per ounce. Use turkey or Canadian bacon instead.
•Sweet nothings. Candied walnuts and sugared almonds have up to 180 calories per ounce. You might as well throw a bunch of M&M's on your salad!
•Foe carbs. Buttery croutons are a recipe for high cholesterol. For healthy crunch, crumble a few whole-grain crackers on your greens.
•Pollo loco. Fried chicken can pack up to 15 extra fat grams per 3-ounce serving. Yikes!
•Scary dairy. Sad but true: One measly ounce of cheese contains up to 120 calories and 9 grams of fat. Use lower-fat soft cheese, such as goat or feta, sparingly.
•Dressing disasters. Blue cheese is the worst offender of the creamy dressings, with 145 calories and 15 grams of fat in a 2-tablespoon serving.
So, lets make a better and healthier salad!