Thursday, March 27, 2025


Blogshop of The Month







Sunday, October 25, 2009

Events Updated: Support Our Shopping Reviewers Campaign by Enspired Bazaar

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Enspired Bazzar
is here again @ Subang Square!!!

To the shoppers:
Feel free to drop by on every Monday, Wednesday, Friday OR Saturday!!!
You never miss the fun!

To the oweners:
Great deals here!!!
2 days for RM60 per booth!!Effective 26 October 2009
Buy One Free One! (Means vendors pay RM60 for 2 consecutive Saturdays)

Charges for weekdays (Mon/Wed/Fri)
RM55/day per booth
RM50/day per booth for of two weeks subsequently

With the courtesy of the organizer of Enspired Bazzar,

They have launched a campaign called Support Our Shopping Reviewers Campaign !!
This campaign is to reward the reviewer site by setting aside RM5 for each
referral vendor that register with us for Saturdays! The concept will be similar with DiGi I Love To Save Campaign.
Blogshop owners also get to choose which shopping site they want to contribute to and the contribution will be site maintenance, an upgrade for the reviewer site or hire more contributors, etc.

So, do support the reviewers site or directory site, Fashionista in You and more, by register with Enspired Events and named the reviewers site! Is that simple!

Events updated by
Grace Oon
Enspired Events (SA0081111-K)
mobile: +6 012 211 2347 +6 012 211 2347

Events Updated: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The Pink Ribbon and Rubi Competition by The Luxurious Fashionista

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Second event is the The Pink Ribbon and Rubi Competition The Luxurious Fashionista (TLF)! TLF is also donating RM50 to the National Cancer Society for every 30 entries obtained through this competition.

Join the Pink Ribbon Competition by placing badges. More details, click here!

Win Jewelry!

Raise fund and and stand a chance to win $200 cash!!
And and and, every entrant will also receive a 15% discount off the entire LuShae Jewelry range! Meaning, from the 50% on-going sales promotion, you get an additional 15% on top of that!

By joining the Pink Ribbon Competition, join the Rubi Competition too!
Find out how, by joining this Pink Ribbon competiton, you're also entitled to be in the running of a FREE pair of RUBI SHOES!!! Click here for more info. :)

How can I join The Rubi Competition?
To be entitled to be in the running of The Rubi Competition, all you have to do is to adhere to the rules stated below:
•Join the The Pink Ribbon competition.
•Blog about Miss TLF's "I've done my small bit... Have you?" campaign in any creative way possible.
•Link The Pink Ribbon competition URL in your blogpost.
•Place the "I've done my small bit... Have you?" campaign banner in your blogpost
•Title your post "I've done my small bit... Have you?".
•Email me the direct URL of your blogpost when you're done, at with subject title: "I have".

How does Miss TLF select the winner?
Every post will be counted as one entree (which means you can submit however many entrees you wish), and every single entree will be assigned a number.

I will randomly select a number from a hat, and that person gets to walk away with a free pair of Rubi shoes!!! Yayyyyy!!! :D

However, should the winner not get back to me within 2 days after I've announced the winner and have already sent him/her the winning email, the prize goes to the next winner. :)

How long is The Rubi Competition running for?
The Rubi Competition ends on the 10th November 2009 at midnight.

*T&C: The Rubi Competition will only be a deal if we hit at least 30 entries from The Pink Ribbon competition. So this means that to be in the running of a free Rubi shoes for yourself, you'll have to help spread the word around. ;)

I've done my small bit... Have you?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Events Updated: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Got Boobies by

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Beloved female shoppers,

In conjuction with the Breast Cancer Awareness Month in this October, 2 contests held specially for this meaningful month!

Blog about breast cancer with, and win yourself bags or pursehooks!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

5 Sexy Fashions Wear updated 19/10/09

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Inspired by egyptianese beauty, with studded jewel and deep V cut *whistle*

Emceecouture Bejeweled necklace for a sexy night!
Duo match pretty -> working & stylo
Sweetie type of wild sexiness!

Luv My Dresses
Naturually born sexy with the green piece!

Events Updated: Get Rebates with PASSWORD! by Bolster Store

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This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Events Updated: Snap and WIN by Dexig Collection

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Ya, we girls LOVE taking photo...
So why miss the chance??
Is SNAP & WIN contest!!!

What is it about ?
Take a picture of your Personalized items such as Personalized name necklace , engrave rings , etc....
Creativity is an advantage in this contest.

When is the contest?
contest begins on 15.10.2009 - 15.11.09.

What do they win ?
Winner wins a personalized name necklace that worth RM70!

Where to send?

But rule is rule:
-Everyone with personalized items are allowed to join
-Photoshop are allowed in this competition.
-No stealing photos from other websites

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fashions & Bags updated 02/10/09 *Newbie*

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Vivace CabinPleated frills clutch only available at Vivace Cabin!

SaraPlain and simple XOXO (Love) Clutch, bring by Sara with love ^^

Dress2Dazzle Try the tri toned dress!

Crystal Paradize
Let the mirror to blig blig!

OMGSOCUTETunic dress with dual design, frills top, checkers bottom!

EBeautySuiteFor good health, get a foot patch!

The Shopaholics Bar Get a Christian Dior Denim Saddle to be the lead of unique trend!

SummerNDress Tight sexy leggings that ease ur day!

PopcornsWhat an artwork!! made by thread@@

Preloved sunglasses! hurry hurry hurry~



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