Thursday, March 27, 2025


Blogshop of The Month







Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Final May Reviewed

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If You Are Using Computer and Phones...Protect Yourself!

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Assignments, online shopping, streaming, e-selling etc etc etc...
We are surviving in an e-world. Is about computer, internet, WiFi, broadband, internet banking and lots more! All of these cant be done without us sitting in front of our computer or with any handheld device (smart phone, tablet, apple-product and more and more)! We are not ignorant, we do know that we are being exposed to electromagnetic wave while we are doing these!
Protecting ourselves entirely from the radiation is impossible but what we do is to avoid or to boost up our immune system. Why is it important to do so? Because if you are sensitive, you might just suffering from headaches, insomnia, dry eyes, sensitive senses and researchers also figure that it would cause infertility and cancer when is overexposure!
What Can We Do About This?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May Dress~

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Lots of lovely dress being featured! Various colours, designs and prints!
Yalence - Oozora Tang

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

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Celebrated with:

Friday, May 10, 2013

French New Manicure

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French Mani is no more heavy white square-tip! Introducing the modern version, upgraded to the très chic style!
Hands with French manicure holding Eiffel Tower
Modern Mani 
Tweak the traditional white line by making it dainty and slim.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother's Day Gift Low Cost Yet Fun Ideas

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Mother's Day is this Sunday! Have you got plans already?
Pic cr to
In today hectic lifestyle, we are all about rushing to work, doing assignments, facing traffic jams and after work we just want to relax etc... Let me post a genuine question to all the readers:

"When is the last time you spent your time wholeheartedly with your mom?"

My dad is a typical conservative man and has always been a realistic towards all this "Day-day" celebration. To him, Mother's Day, Father's Day is just a gimmick for business-minded people to earn extra bucks (and I always argue back in my heart saying that they are just seizing the opportunity to promote their stuff given the demand of the market). Undeniable, most of us do contribute to the opportunity for them to earn more. These are the Days where we spent quite some sum to do shopping, dine in a great meal, travel around etc. 

But deep down in every parent's heart, is that what they want? 

I had a few thoughts after browsing all the "Mother's Day Gift Idea", and came out with some low cost or even ZERO cost gift.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Something Fun

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Asos Inspired Mustache Watch - Charming Valerie 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Women with long dress, Elegant

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What women always wear? Look at those artists and stars. They always put on high heels and long dresses during events. And, you will see how beautiful and feminine those dresses are. 

No doubt, long dresses are extremely elegant. The current problem is, we only have restricted timing to have chance to wear on long dresses. It is only at elegant events such as annual dinner or gala events which only happened a few times a year. 

What a waste. Long dresses reflect pretties and confidence of a woman.
Getting the right fit for your evening dress is very important. You do not want the dress to be too loose as it will move around, yet you do not want it to be too tight as it be uncomfortable and actually look uncomfortable as well. A good fit with your evening dress is important. You can get help in fitting an evening dress at the boutique you are shopping at or carefully measure yourself to ensure the right fit  
Chic for the Office or Fashion Meetings

Vanessa Bruno Long v-neck dress




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