Blogshop of The Month







Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fight the Tiredness in You [Part 2]

For Part 1, Click here!

6. Astringent. Whether they contain herbal extracts, essential oils, or pore-tightening alcohol, astringents are a slightly tart face wash that are meant to be invigorating and refreshing. Choose your favorite and give it a try. At the very least, you'll smell nice and have squeaky-clean skin.

7. Just say no. To too many commitments, that is. Are you feeling exhausted because you're trying to do too much? It may be time to say no every once in a while. And if the negative is super-hard for you to say, then practice with a qualified yes. As in, "Yes I can serve on the PTA committee, but I can't do it this month. How about next month?"

8. Soak your fatigue away. Take a hot bath -- the warm water loosens tight muscles and cuts stress, leaving you with more energy. A hot soak can erase the day's tensions and leave you ready to face the rest of your evening with a little bit of pep. Plus, it will help you sleep better.

9. See a doctor. If your fatigue is persistent, and you have other symptoms, such as trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, or a loss of interest in your usual activities, you may want to talk to your doctor. Such symptoms can be a sign of depression.

10. Take a walk. Take a break at work or at home. Some fresh air can help clear your mind and fight that foggy feeling. Believe it or not, walking can help you fight off the blues. A recent Duke University Medical Center study found that a quick 10-minute walk may be enough to make clinically depressed people feel better. The study involved a group of inactive, depressed people who were 50 and older. After just eight minutes of walking, 82 percent of them said they felt less tense, tired, and angry.

Adapted from Fitness Mag:
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