Blogshop of The Month







Tuesday, February 21, 2012

5M - 5Must

We have mentioned about the NEVER. So what is your next time?

Here are the 5M - 5 MUST if you would want a healthier life!

Incorporate it in your daily lifestyle and you will be better off, happier, stronger and healthier.
Fruit and Vege - A MUST
Make your you have these 2 best companion when you are having your meal! Reason? They are high in minerals, vitamins, most importantly Fiber and Water! Fiber and water make you fill up and also lesser calories intake.

MUST be Hydrated
As you have known, our body consists of 70% of liquid! So we need lots of water to keep the vessels running, to detox and to flush away all the residue. Remember to replenish yourself with plenty of water and keep your water beside you all the time. Get a bigger tumbler and make sure you finished the water or set yourself a target to drink and to refill your smaller water bottle.

Protein - MUST in Your Meal
If you are not thinking of getting carbohydrate, your alternate choice would be protein as it satisfy your hunger simultaneously repairing your muscle tissue. Besides the usual fish, chicken and other type of meat, you might want to grab the smaller portion of snack such as nuts, yogurt, cereals, shakes etc.

Iron - Your Body MUST Have Gold
Iron, one of the key minerals desperately needed by your body (But remember to take in moderately).  Iron  build your muscle mass and keep your muscle strong. It also perk up your mood. With better "quality" muscle and mood, the higher your resting metabolism rate, thus, burning more calories!

Quoted from Jack Lalanne "Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen - Together You Have The Entire Kingdom". Have regular exercise (if possible) is always the best way to go. If not, add more movements and activities in your daily life. You can mop your house floor, start gardening etc. Or you can includes more walking! You can walk instead of driving for short distance errands, walk to your friends/colleagues instead of SMSing etc. Dont look down on these little tiny movements, when it accumulates, the result is stunning!

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