Blogshop of The Month







Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Shake Up

It’s not too late for that final spring clean. And no, we don’t mean the boring bits, like high
dusting. We’re talking about clothes!

With a new season on the way, you’re likely to be packing away your winter woollens and
refreshing your wardrobe. So, what better time to have a complete reorganisation of your clothes rails?

Having a good old clear out is something that none of us do enough. But at some point,
you’ve got to realise that half the things hanging in your wardrobe haven’t seen the light of
day for years. Hanging on to that dress that hasn’t fit you since you were eighteen isn’t a
good idea. Similarly, clothes that remind you of something are generally not worth holding
on. That draw of oversized T-shirts you’ve bought on various holidays? Throw them out!

Remember that once an item of clothing is gone, you usually forget about its existence
almost straight away. So, don’t get too emotional about it. The best method for sorting the
trash from the class is to form three piles of clothes – keep, maybe and throw.

In your ‘keep’ pile will be the clothes you wear on a regular basis – jeans, work clothes, and
favourite dresses, etc. This should be an easy pile to construct.

Second is the ‘maybe’ pile, which is a little trickier. These are clothes that you might not
wear all the time, but that might be useful, every so often. Think mostly going out clothes
and special occasion wear. To keep focused, this pile must be made up of clothes that still fit
you. Anything that is too big or too small needs to go in the next pile.

The ‘throw’ pile speaks for itself, and this is where you need to be ruthless. Obviously,
anything that doesn’t fit automatically goes into this pile – as does anything that is worn or
shabby looking. If you haven’t worn something in a year, you’re unlikely to don it anytime
soon. Add it to this pile as well.

Once you’ve sorted your clothes, take any you don’t want but are still in good condition to
the charity shop, or sell them over the internet or at a car boot sale. You could then put the
money you make towards a few choice pieces for your new wardrobe. Just make sure they
are likely to stand the test of time first!

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