Blogshop of The Month







Wednesday, November 14, 2012

La Quinnox Second Giveaway

Is never too late to MAKE A WISH!
Photo: How to win ?
1) ‘LIKE’ La Quinnox. 
2) ‘Like & Share’ the item (pre-order/ready stock) you wish to win.
3) ‘Like & Share’ this picture, 
4) Comment on this picture : I want to win ‘        ’ from La Quinnox and TELL US WHY! Your comment can be in English/Malay/Mandarin, write the best comment you can!
(All ready stock and pre-order collections items are applicable to this contest, except Collection 7 Part 2 which is closed.)
5) Make sure you follow all the steps above!
6) The best answer will be picked! 
7) Contest ends on 17/11/2012, 10pm. 
   winner will be announced on the next day at 8pm. 

Note : Please check out for stock availability.

How to win ?
1) ‘LIKE’ La Quinnox. 
2) ‘Like & Share’ the item (pre-order/ready stock) you wish to win.
3) ‘Like & Share’ this picture, 
4) Comment on this picture : I want to win ‘ ’ from La Quinnox and TELL US WHY! Your comment can be in English/Malay/Mandarin, write the best comment you can!
(All ready stock and pre-order collections items are applicable to this contest, except Collection 7 Part 2 which is closed.)
5) Make sure you follow all the steps above!
6) The best answer will be picked!
7) Contest ends on 17/11/2012, 10pm.
winner will be announced on the next day at 8pm.

Note : Please check out for stock availability.

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