Thursday, March 27, 2025


Blogshop of The Month







Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy 2014 - Reviewing 2013

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pic cr to:
Here we are, coming to the end of 2013 and ready to welcome the new year of 2014. At this time around, we usually will look back and reflect what we went through the year, what we have achieved and what we wish to succeed in the coming year.
In the midst of reviewing, it is important for us to acknowledge both the goods and not-so-good, then laying out plans to strike for our wishes and dreams. To check out how to make a resolution, do refer our previous post :)
If you have no idea where to start with, here are some of the questions that you can ask yourself :)

15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before the End of 2013

1. What am I most proud of this year?
2. What projects have I achieved?
3. Where do I want to be in 2014?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Season Greetings~

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Festive Manicures!

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Final touch to welcome the season celebration and 2014!

5 design that definitely let you hook on to the festive fever!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Last Min Shopping!

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If you have not done shopping for your closet, here's some suggestion for you!
*with a small lil theme ^^
Fancy Celebration ~
Elegant Long Dress - The K Boutique

Monday, December 16, 2013

7 Signs Of A Heart Attack Women Need To Know

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Concern about your health. So sharing this article by Dr. Terrence Baruch (via MindBodyGreen) on signs of heart attack, so that you are aware about the symptoms and pay more attention to it.  

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Your Season SALE Updates!

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2013 is ending in 2 weeks time! Have you grab what you needed for Christmas and New Year?
Don't miss the chance!
Custom Made Hello Kitty Inspired Headband - Teepsytoes
*Sales this weekend!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Unexpected Ways to Lower your Risk for Cancer

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”Prevention is the best medicine” as the saying goes. The process of becoming healthy can be a difficult and lifelong challenge. However, that shouldn’t stop us from taking whatever small steps we can in order to better or health, whether by making small changes in our diet, fitness routine or lifestyle.
The incidence of and death from disease such as high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity is constantly on the rise, cancer is now believed to affect 90,000-100,000 people in Malaysia alone. It is estimated that one in every four Malaysians will develop cancer by the age of 75 and is considered the third leading cause of death in the country, contributed to by not only to factors such as smoking but to being overweight and a poor diet. That being said, it is possible to avoid joining the statistic by changing your habits in some slight unexpected ways.
Alcohol/Caffeinated Coffee Consumption

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Giveaway/Contest from Qeersya Collection

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Stand a chance to win it all!
Contest ends 5 Jan 14
2 winners will win awesome prizes from Qeersya Collection!
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Monday, December 2, 2013

Write and Help The Cancer Patient's Treatment

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A diagnosis that causes shock, trauma and worries in us. With the 2013 which is concluding in a month time, we manage to find an informative infographic to share with all of you :) The data might be outdated, but we believed that it is still a good source to get a general idea on how severe these fatal tumours can lead to. 
We would like to highlight that the insurance provider AXA Affin who has recently joined with the National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) to raise awareness for this debilitating disease and support those who have suffered from it on their path to recovery.
How can all of us help?
 For every post that links to their 110 Cancer Care website by bloggers like us, they will sponsor one day of funding for daycare usage at the NCSM Treatment Centre for a patient. So you can potentially save a life by spreading the words around!
For YOU out there, who are interested in collaborating and helping out in this endeavor, please contact Danial @ to see what you can do.
For more information, feel free to visit their site at:
Infographic of Cancer Statistics in Malaysia by musedmoments
Infographic by: musedmoments
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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bananas Are Berries?

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By Greta Lorge

"Oddballs of the produce stand, tomatoes and avocados are fruits, as most people know. Yet more often than not they're found alongside vegetables in savory culinary preparations. Working on this issue of the magazine got me wondering what it is, exactly, that makes a fruit a fruit. It turns out that the plant world is full of strange cases of counterintuitive classification.
Botanists define a fruit as the portion of a flowering plant that develops from the ovary. It contains the seeds, protecting them and facilitating dispersal. (The definition of a vegetable is a little fuzzier: any edible part of a plant that isn't a fruit.) Subcategories within the fruit family—citrus, berry, stonefruit or drupe (peaches, apricots), and pome (apples, pears)—are determined by which parts of the flower/ovary give rise to the skin, flesh and seeds.



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