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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

40's Health Check List

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Age is a real threat for everyone! Do inform your family members and take them for the check although there is no symptom or anything.

In Your 40's
TEST: Mammogram
WHO TO SEE: Radiologist
WHY: This X-ray helps detect changes in breast tissue that can signal breast cancer.
HOW OFTEN: Annually. While a government task force recently changed their recommendation to yearly screenings starting at age 50, the American Cancer Society still urges women to get started at 40.
FAST FACT: Get a mammogram when your breasts are less tender, usually during the week right after your period.

TEST: Blood Sugar Check
WHY: Fasting glucose levels shouldn't exceed 100 to 125 mg/dL. Higher? Could be diabetes.
HOW OFTEN: Once every three years starting at age 45.

Originally published in FITNESS Magazine, June 2009.
Article adapted from LHJ

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

30's Health Check List

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If you are a working lady or a mom of a or numbers of children, dont overwhelmed or stuffed yourself with all the hassle. Spare yourself some time to have a body check to make sure everything is alright. Better to prevent than sorry.

In Your 30's
TEST: Thyroid Check
WHY: Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, affects women as much as seven times more than men. Undetected, it can lead to weight gain, joint pain, infertility and even heart disease.
HOW OFTEN: Once every five years starting at age 35.
FAST FACT: Up to 12 million people in the U.S. who have thyroid disease go undiagnosed, notes the American Thyroid Association.

WHY: Two types of HPV cause about 70 percent of all cervical cancers. After age 30, women are less likely to clear the cancer-causing infections.
HOW OFTEN: Request an HPV test with your Pap. If both results are normal, you may not need to be screened for another three years. But no matter how old you are, if your Pap comes back abnormal, ask your doc about getting tested.

Originally published in FITNESS Magazine, June 2009.
Article adapted from LHJ

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Friday, August 27, 2010

20's Health Check List

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If you are in your 20's, do take the following check as reference! We are still young and strong, lots of things we tend to neglect. But anyway, no harm to take precaution!

In Your 20's
TEST: Eye Exam
WHO TO SEE: Ophthalmologist
WHY: Many eye problems, such as glaucoma and retinopathy, are detected only via exam. Plus, checkups can help pinpoint related health concerns, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
HOW OFTEN: At least once between the ages of 20 and 29 and twice between ages 30 and 39. Wear glasses or contacts? Take meds that affect your vision? Got diabetes? Go annually.

TEST: STD Screening
WHO TO SEE: Your gyno or GP
WHY: Chlamydia and gonorrhea, which can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, are on the rise, as is syphilis.
HOW OFTEN: Annually if you're 24 or younger, or if you've had sex with multiple or new partners in the past year, regardless of age. Pregnant? Get screened ASAP.

Originally published in FITNESS Magazine, June 2009.
Article adapted from LHJ

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Keep Track Your Health Ladies! Part 2

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Here is the second part of the MUST-HAVE-HEALTH-CHECK for all my female friends!

Clear the Way to Better Health: Your Medical Test Guide
Our ultimate guide to the medical tests every smart, healthy woman needs to stay that way
By Donna Fennessy

8 Medical Tests Every Woman Needs
Make a mental checklist of all the things you do to keep yourself healthy. It's a good bet you thought of your workouts, your good-for-you diet and maybe even a daily vitamin. Great! But if keeping up with medical tests isn't on your list of healthy behaviors, you're falling into the mistake that many fit women make: thinking regular exercise plus smart nutrition exempts you from getting routine exams. To truly keep your body healthy, here's what you need to know.

TEST: Immunization Check
WHY: Up-to-date vaccinations protect you from all sorts of diseases, including some you thought went the way of the dinosaur, such as whooping cough.
HOW OFTEN: At your next physical, have your M.D. review your vaccination history. Some inoculations become less effective over time, so you may need a booster. For example, tetanus shots are vital every 10 years, no rusty nails required.
FAST FACT: One in eight U.S. adults surveyed say they are too busy to get a vaccination, reports the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.

TEST: Blood Pressure
WHY: The higher it is, the greater your chance of having heart disease, a stroke or kidney damage.
HOW OFTEN: Once every two years if it's 120/80 or below. If you've already been diagnosed with hypertension -- or your doc says you're at risk -- measure your BP at home regularly, too. (We like digital cuffs that do all the work for you, like those from
FAST FACT: In the U.S., about one in eight women ages 20 to 44 has high blood pressure. Taking the Pill, pregnancy and being overweight can up your risk.

TEST: Cholesterol Panel
WHY: High cholesterol means higher risk for heart disease. You want total cholesterol under 200 mg/dL; LDL (bad cholesterol) under 100 mg/dL; HDL (good stuff) 60 mg/dL or more; and triglycerides under 150 mg/dL.
HOW OFTEN: At least once every five years, starting at age 20.

TEST: BMI / Weight
WHY: Pick a disease, any disease: Chances are, being overweight puts you at an elevated risk. Your M.D. should weigh you and calculate your body-mass index, the measurement of your weight relative to your height.
HOW OFTEN: Yearly. And if you're looking to shed pounds, weigh yourself once a week at home and visit your physician monthly to help track your progress.

Article from LHJ
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Monday, August 23, 2010

Keep Track Your Health Ladies! Part 1

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Health is most important in life I would say. Without health, even though you have everything in this world, but you cant enjoy it the way you would like to enjoy! Reading through the article and hopefully it would benefit all female :) We REALLY have to keep take care ourselves :)

Clear the Way to Better Health: Your Medical Test Guide
Our ultimate guide to the medical tests every smart, healthy woman needs to stay that way
By Donna Fennessy

8 Medical Tests Every Woman Needs
Make a mental checklist of all the things you do to keep yourself healthy. It's a good bet you thought of your workouts, your good-for-you diet and maybe even a daily vitamin. Great! But if keeping up with medical tests isn't on your list of healthy behaviors, you're falling into the mistake that many fit women make: thinking regular exercise plus smart nutrition exempts you from getting routine exams. To truly keep your body healthy, here's what you need to know.

TEST: Pap Smear
WHO TO SEE: Gynecologist
WHY: Collecting cells from the cervix during a pelvic exam is the best way to tell if your cervix is healthy -- cell changes can lead to cervical cancer.
HOW OFTEN: Starting at age 21, most women need to be screened every other year or less, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Once you turn 30 -- and you've had three consecutive negative tests and no abnormal history -- you can get it done once every three years.

TEST: Clinical Breast Exam
WHO TO SEE: Gyno or general practitioner (GP)
WHY: She can feel or see abnormalities in breast tissue, skin and nipples that can indicate cancer.
HOW OFTEN: At least once every three years in your twenties and thirties. But if you want to be checked more frequently, simply ask. After age 40, go yearly.

TEST: Skin Cancer Screening
WHO TO SEE: Dermatologist
WHY: She can ID weirdly shaped moles or other growths that might be cancerous or precancerous.
HOW OFTEN: Get new or changed growths assessed ASAP. If you're a current or recovering tanning-bed or sun lover, are fair or dotted with moles or freckles or have a family history of skin cancer, see the derm twice a year. If not, go annually.
FAST FACT: Derms are better at diagnosing melanomas than primary-care docs, finds a recent study. The result of better screening? Higher survival rates.

TEST: Hearing Test
WHO TO SEE: Audiologist or certified speech-language pathologist
WHY: Peppering conversations with "Say that again?" is a real problem for the more than 12 percent of people in their twenties and thirties who already have some form of hearing loss, according to a recent study.
HOW OFTEN: Once every 10 years until age 50, then every three years.

Article from LHJ
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wanted: Bejeweled Bib Necklace

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If you ever come across this type of necklace and or you got one in your collection, remember to contact her!!

I am looking for: Bib necklace
And my budget is: RM30
If you have, please contact me at

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Calling Vendors for I ♥ Bazaar

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Call all vendors!

I ♥ Bazaar EXTENDED to October, November & December.

Yup, they know you ♥ Bazaar and lots of girls ♥ bazaar too! Is the place you get lots of different design with reasonable price!! So they are BACK!

I ♥ Bazaar Date:    October, November & December 2010
2nd & 3rd and 30th & 31st
6th & 7th and 27th & 28th
4th & 5th and 18th & 19th
Time:    11am till 9pmVenue:  First Floor, Subang Parade (Opposite of Celebrity Fitness)
             First Floor, Subang Parade (Opposite of Toys’R’Us)

Rental Prices are as follow:(Each vendor will be provided with 2 chairs, a 3 X 3 ft. table and table cloth). Each booth is only allowed a maximum of 2 racks and 1 standing manequinn/coat rack. You may put up to 3 racks if you do not require a table.
1 Day Only: RM75.00
1Weekend: RM130.00
RM 5 off total rental will be given to vendors who place our banner at the header of their sites (Do note this is a one off rebate)

You may view and select your preferred booth location here
Kindly fill up the Application form here

Do drop an email at for any other inquiries.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


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MOFEW: The Search has been on going for quite a long time and now, finally, THE FINAL 8!!

After the heated competition by approx. 70 and more online fashion entrepreneurs, and tough decision is made by the Judges! Up to date, at this final stage, there is only 8 Online Fashion Entrepreneurs made it through and this are your final 8 (in alphabetical order):

1. Chiino Pieces
2. My Favouritees
3. Mystique
4. Nakalicious
5. Quirky Brown Cow
6. Rara Black
7. Soul Chic
8. Très Trésors

The 8 of them will be on STAGE on 2nd day of MOFEW (3.30pm 14th August 2010) at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (Hall 3)!

What are they gonna do? They will need to work with a model and a hairdresser from Snips to create a total image for their models to a theme of their liking and present it to the panel of Judges!

COME, SUPPORT and WITNESS the most memorable and creative online fashion entrepreneur to showcase their talent!

 You never know! This will be THE Trend after The Search!!

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

MOFEW Finally Arrived!!

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Finally, after such a long period, MOFEW finally ARRIVED!!

Yup, is starting on this Friday!! Take a early day off and JOIN the FUN!

Malaysia’s First Charity Online Entrepreneurs’ Weekend 2010
The biggest Malaysia Online Fashion Entrepreneur get together, unite and raise fund for the needy at the same time brush up their enterpreneur skills!

This event not only aim to create awareness to help the needy, at the same time, assist the young industry - the fashion online entrepreneur in estabalish their brands and giving them a platform to learn branding and marketing skills! Exposing the online fashion entrepreneurs to tough competition that challenge their ability and reward them with lucrative prizes really to benefit these entrepreneurs! Not to forget, the public!! Attractive limited freebies and door gifts are available as long as you are the first to be THERE!

Whats happening there?
A gathering of more than 100 Online Fashion Entrepreneurs at a single event! click for larger image
- Shop among more than 100 Online Fashion Entrepreneurs!
- Opportunities for Online Business Startups!
- Attend FREE personal image, make-up and hair styling workshops, fashion tips and more!
- Explore online business possibilities with Startup Workshops!
- Witness live band performances
- Network with fellow Online Entrepreneurs!
- Participate in lucky draws

Check the itinerary for more happenings!!

Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (MVEC) – Hall 3
Date: 13th – 15th August 2010 (Friday – Sunday)
Time: 11am – 9pm (Friday & Saturday), 11am – 7pm (Sunday)

- Direct KTM Access to Mid Valley Megamall (Mid Valley Station)
- Free Shuttle Service from Bangsar LRT Station
- A Stone’s Throw Away from Megamall’s GSC Cinemas & Food Court

View Larger Map

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Voluptuous Bazaar @ KDU

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Taking day off tomorrow?? Do drop by the bazaar!

Date: 11th August 2010, Wednesday
Time: 9am - 4pm
Venue: KDU College, Damansara Jaya Campus.
SS22/41, Damansara Jaya,
47400 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Person in charge : Yi-Peng, +6012-3967207

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Taylor's Eco Bazaar

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Students from Taylor's University is running a campaign named ECO Taylor's Bazaar. !!
They have a vision to transform people's mindset and to motivate them to practice sustainability in all facets of their life. What better than to start at an institutional environment where business is used as an ethical medium to propagate ideas of green living.
So, to support this young people with good deeds, to participate in the event ^^ Set up booth or come to that event!!

Details of event:-
Location : Taylor's Univesity College
                 Taylor's Lakeside Campus
                 No. 1 Jalan Taylor's, 47500 Subang Jaya
                 Selangor Darul Ehsan
Date : 9th - 11th August 2010
Time : 10am - 5pm (each day)
Rate : RM120 for 3-Days (same rate is applicable even for lesser than 3-Days)
Package : Area of 2m x 1.5m; two tables of 1m x 0.5m (each); 2 plastic chairs
Target : 6000 Taylorians and general public
Parking : FREE
Entrance : FREE
The money collected will be absorbed into a charity project i.e. to build a hostel for the under-privileged kids in Bario Sarawak as they too are part of our Malaysian cultural ECO-system.

Contact for more details!

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